Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer Runs

Well, it's about that time again. More like past that time... Anyways, it's summer, and that means time to run outside! There are a few things I wanted to share with you regarding my outside running experiences and just some reminders for those of you who do plan on running this summer :)
First off, make sure you have nice shoes, and the right shoes. If you plan on running outside, then get some running shoes. I understand that there are many different types of running shoes and it can be overwhelming to try and make a choice, especially when you are new to the entire thing. I would recommend that you go to a store such as Dick's and ask for help. People there are always able and willing to help you find whatever you need. Sometimes it make take more than one attempt to find the right shoes, but know that you will eventually find the pair of shoes that are right for you!
Secondly, don't forget to stretch! It's is something that many people forget while they are running. Stretching before and after are a must in order to prevent excessive pain the next day or two (you may still feel it the next morning, and in fact if you worked hard then you will), I would also personally recommend stretching in the middle of your run. At this point I would also recommend doing some abdominal exercises however I leave that choice up to the individual. :) otherwise, stretching before and after are a must. This will also assist with your flexibility.
Thirdly, drink water. It's warm outside people, don't forget to drink your water. There are water bottles that are specially made for runners that allow you to hold on to them comfortably while running. Otherwise, make sure that you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
Forth, sunscreen! I've gotten burnt so many times in my life that you would think I have learned my lesson. But here I am reminding you to put on sunscreen before you go out running. You don't want to have to deal with a sunburn on top of everyone else! Make sure you use sport sunscreen or stuff which you are sure won't sweat off while you're running.
Fifth, don't give up! Running is hard and in the heat there are many things to be worried about, but make sure you have fun and keep your goal in mind. Whether that goal is to run two miles or twenty-two, remember it whenever you feel like giving up. Put up inspiring pictures or get into the habit of running everyday, find something that works for you and stick with that. :)
Good luck with your summer running! 

Also, quick update: I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday to find out if I can finally take off my boot and how long until I'm back into running and biking. Wish me luck!!

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