Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Important General Terms 2

Today's terms are muscle actions. These terms include: isotonic, eccentric, concentric, isometric, and isokinetic.

Isotonic - force is produced, muscle tension is developed, and movement occurs through a given range of motion. It includes two phases: eccentric and concentric phases.

Eccentric - moving in the same direction as the resistance, decelerates or reduces force

Concentric - moving in opposite direction of the force, accelerates or produces forces

Isometric - no visible movement with or against resistance, dynamically stabilizes force

Isokinetic - the speed of movement is fixed, and resistance varies with the force exerted. Requires sophisticated training equipment often seen in rehabilitation of exercise physiology laboratories.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Coaching Job!!!

Hey guys! I know I've been gone a while from here, but I wanted to quick update you on something quite exciting. I'm coaching for the first time!! I got hired by my old school (k-12) as a third coach for the girl's middle school field hockey teams! We have 53 girls as of now and that may increase before our first game (next week!). I'm super excited about this opportunity and look forward to having fun but also learning about how to help out middle school athletes.
Anyways, that's my quick update. I promise I'm working on something for this blog pertaining to vegetarians and fitness, so stay tuned for that to come later :P